APOE and age of Alzheimer's disease onset 

   Lead Investigator:    Rahul Desikan
   Institution      :    University of California San Diego
   E-Mail           :    rahuldesikan@gmail.com
   Proposal ID      :    505

Publications: 1 Bonham LW, Geier EG, Fan CC, Leong JK, Besser L, Kukull WA , Kornak J, Andreassen OA, Schellenberg GD, Rosen HJ, Dillon WP, Hess CP, Miller BL, Dale AM, Desikan RS, Yokoyama JS Age-dependent effects of APOE ^{unicode 03b5}4 in preclinical Alzheimer's disease Journal Article Ann Clin Transl Neurol,3:668-677,2016,PMC5018579

Proposal Description: